The system is killing us, and Charley Leibowitz can feel it in his bones. His childhood is plagued with an adult-level awareness of America’s prevailing culture and its incredible destruction, but as a suburban kid entirely dependent on his parents, what can he do? Charley weaves through school with a photographic memory, little desire to make friends, a hefty crush on Tabitha Gardner, and a burning desire for things to be different. But when he shows other students they can break out of the mold, chaos ensues, and the system comes crashing down. Pinpoint explores the institution of education, generational trauma, the role of sex in adolescence, addiction, medication, and the grief of dealing with it all.
—Published in 2022—
The stagnation of middle-class suburban adult existence is taking its toll on Adam Schlepper, a depressed high school English teacher finally coming face-to-face with the void of meaning in his life. But when he suddenly finds himself interfacing with his recently deceased father in dreams all too real, Mr. Schlepper is forced to confront issues with both himself and his family in order to move forward. Told from multiple points of view, the novel weaves through different perspectives and understandings, giving each character their own unique voice.
Relationships, psychedelics, sex, and philosophy all revealed through the college experience of Porter Bloom. Alternate University follows Porter as he navigates the private university environment in this seven-semester epic; an open, honest, hilarious depiction of modern college life. Ian Gabriel Mitchell's debut novel shies away from nothing.
Though I hope for support through book sales*, I am more concerned with readership, thus I will happily supply you with a free PDF of Alternate University, Mr. Schlepper, or Pinpoint upon request via phone or email. You can find my info on the Contact page.
*If you wish to purchase a digital copy directly through me, offering me 100% of the royalties, please Venmo @IanGMitchell.